Monday, April 11, 2011

WIP Arachnarok

Here is the post where I apologize for not having my Championships report up yet by posting why I didn't write my report this weekend. I was painting the Arachnarok! Here are the progress pictures I have from my weekend of spider painting.


  1. Looking good! When do you plan to have it finished?

  2. I don't know honestly. I am hoping to prime the base Wednesday but I have 'Ard Boyz this weekend so won't get as much painting time.

  3. Looks awesome AND makes me think of King crab legs. Delicious king crab legs mmmm

  4. Looks great man, does the red paint job make it go faster like in 40k?

    Also, do you have any thoughts on the new TK book?

  5. It IS meant to be faster! I will be going with red details for the Orcs, and red war paint on the Savage Orcs to make the army somewhat uniform.
