Thursday, February 21, 2013

Warriors of Chaos Progress

If you've been following me on Twitter, you'll know I am furiously working on some Warriors of Chaos for Adepticon. I keep my progress and comments there almost exclusively now, but here is some progress posted on the blog for future reference.

The big dogs in the list. Nurgle Daemon Prince, Throgg, and a DP in case I roll 6's on the EotG chart.

This is the final paint scheme of the Warriors themselves.

Throgg's Trolls, and their paint scheme (base coat).

2 Characters on Discs. BSB and a Sorcerer.

Progress being made on the Gorebeast Chariots. Finished these up last night and need to add crew.

The army on the table for it's frst game this week. More to come soon with 3 Adepticon Primers in 3 weekends.


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  3. Lovely orange color on the armor! Don't suppose you happen to have a recipe handy *squints* over a decade later? 0.o
